Bear’s Backyard Honey

Bear’s Backyard Honey is sweet and brown just like Bear himself.

Bear’s full name is Marcos BrownBearStandsClose and he is sweet and brown, just like his honey.

Backyard honey is richer and more complex than the commercial honey commonly found in stores. Because the source of the bees’ nectar might come from hundreds of different types of flowers rather than just a handful of sources (i.e., apple or clover), backyard honey has many layers and its complex deliciousness makes it special.

Bear’s Backyard Honey is darker, most likely because of the buckwheat and knotweed not far from our Bellingham home near Cornwall Park. It also has a taste of lavender–Bear’s backyard has loads of lavender plants that foraging bees smother and forage on from May through August.  There are many other flavors in Bear’s Backyard Honey, but there is no way to possibly know the all the sources of the bees’ nectar.  Bear’s neighborhood is loaded with lush gardens, each with a plethora of nectar sources.

Raw and unfiltered, Bear’s Backyard Honey is “Ragged but Right.”

Raw and unfiltered honey